AI for Middle School

(grades 6-8)

Since the 1950s, artificial intelligence (AI) has been a part of computing. However, AI systems have only been capable of useful tasks such as image classification and spoken language understanding since 2000. Machine Learning has only recently advanced to the point where significant AI computations can be performed on the smartphones and tablets available to students.

MIT is developing tools for App Inventor that will allow even beginners to create original AI applications that would have been considered advanced research a decade ago. This opens up new opportunities for students to investigate the possibilities of AI and empowers them as digital future creators.

AI with MIT App Inventor includes tutorial lessons as well as ideas for student explorations and projects. The emphasis, as with all MIT App Inventor efforts, is on active constructionist learning, in which students create projects and programs that instantiate their ideas.

You will make the following AI apps:

  • Personal Image Classifier: PICaboo
  • Personal Audio Classifier
  • Therapist Bot Tutorial
  • Facemesh Filter Camera
  • Chromebooks able to run Android applications OR laptops with Chrome browser and compatible Android tablets/phones. 
  • Internet access
  • Projector
  • Whiteboard, blackboard, or chart paper

What is AI?

What does artificial intelligence make you think of?

AI in popular culture ● 5 Big Ideas of AI ● Examples of AI

1 lesson | Total time: < 1 hour

Can Machines Be Creative?

Can AI be used to create art? What are deepfakes and how are they used?

creativity ● generative AI

5 Lessons | Total Time: 3+ hours

Students learn how artificial intelligence is used to create pictures, music, and stories. They discover what generative adversarial networks (GANs) are and how to with identifying “deepfakes”. After creating their own art using AI, students finish the program by discussing how AI can be used responsibly by all.

Lesson 1: What is AI?

Lesson 2: How Do Machines Gain Intelligence?

Lesson 3: What is an Algorithm?

Lesson 4: Can Machines be Creative?

Lesson 5: Deepfakes

Game AI

How does AI learn to play games? How do machines learn new skills from experience?

reinforcement learning ● rule-based programming ● accountability

5 Lessons | Total Time: 2+ hours

Students are introduced to reinforcement learning as a tool that machines use to get better at performing tasks from trial and error. Students use the Scratch programming language to develop their own computer game with an AI character that learns how to get better as it plays.

Lesson 1: Intro to Scratch

Lesson 2: Reinforcement learning

Lesson 3: Building with RL

Lesson 4: Share and explore

Learning Outcomes:

Coding Fundamentals

Artifical Intelligence


Social Learning

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available from 10:00 – 19:00
