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Register for IEEE CSI High School Outreach Programming Workshop

Lesson 1: Introduction to MIT App Inventor

Objective: Familiarize students with the MIT App Inventor interface and basic concepts.

  • Activity:
    • Introduction to the interface: Designer and Blocks Editor.
    • Create a simple app: “Hello World” app where a button click changes a label text.
Lesson 2: Variables and Data Types

Objective: Teach variables, data types, and basic arithmetic operations.

  • Activity:
    • Create an app that takes user input (e.g., name, age) and displays a greeting.
    • Use variables to store and manipulate user data.
Lesson 3: Control Structures

Objective: Introduce conditionals and loops.

  • Activity:
    • Create an app that generates a random number and checks if it is even or odd.
    • Use conditionals to provide feedback to the user.
    • Implement a counter using loops.
Lesson 4: Functions and Procedures

Objective: Teach the creation and use of functions.

  • Activity:
    • Create a calculator app that performs basic arithmetic operations.
    • Define functions for each operation.
Lesson 5: Event Handling

Objective: Teach event-driven programming and event handlers.

  • Activity:
    • Create an interactive quiz app where button clicks trigger events.
    • Use event handlers to check answers and provide feedback.
Lesson 6: Lists and Data Structures

Objective: Introduce lists and their operations.

  • Activity:
    • Create a to-do list app where users can add and remove items.
    • Use lists to store and manage the items.
Lesson 7: Debugging and Problem-Solving

Objective: Teach debugging techniques and problem-solving strategies.

  • Activity:
    • Introduce common debugging practices.
    • Provide students with buggy code and guide them through the debugging process.
Final class: Project-Based Learning

Final Project:  Students will choose a project of their interest (e.g., a simple game, a utility app) and apply all the concepts learned. We will provide guidance and support as they design, implement, and debug their projects.

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